Access subdetails Nutrition and health claims

General Flexibility Principles


The possibility of flexibility of wording in making authorised health claims is established both in Regulation (EC) No 432/2012 and on the homepage of the Commission’s Register of claims, under the condition that the modified text contains the same message for consumers as the approved claim.

One of the aims of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 is to guarantee that health claims are true, clear, reliable and useful for the consumer. This aim shall be clear in the way claims are written and presented, with the intention of facilitating the uniform application within European Union territory of the concept of flexibility for all competent authorities and operators involved, in December 2012 after months of work, a consensus document has been agreed on by the Member States, which establishes very general principles as the basis of this uniform application.

The aim of this document is to help all actors in the food chain and the competent authorities to better understand and apply correctly the concept of flexibility and relevant legislation.