Seguridad Alimentaria/Risk Assessment/Scientific Committee/Members/Research Group on One Health Microbiology

Research Group on One Health Microbiology



The Research Group on One Health Microbiology of the University of Burgos is a Consolidated Research Unit of Castilla y León (UIC 271). It consists of researchers in microbiology from the University of Burgos and national and international experts in this field, who take an integrated “One Health” (One medicine, One health) approach to the study of the fundamental aspects in controlling zoonotic pathogens from the primary production, processing and distribution of foods to the hospital environment.


Graduate Degree courses in Food Science and Technology, and in Agricultural and Food Engineering, as well as Post-Graduate Degree courses in Advances in Food Security and Biotechnology.


The ecology and epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance throughout the food production chain and in the hospital environment; Detection, epidemiology and monitoring of enteric viruses, with special focus on the hepatitis E virus; The genomics of microorganisms or microbial populations by means of NGS sequencing platforms; The effect of the microbiome on the development of infections in human beings and animals; Characterisation of microorganisms or microbial populations in the environment, in food items, or in food and healthcare establishments.


Scientific and Technical Services of: Development and implementation of rapid methods for microbiological analysis; Microbiological characterisation of foods and clinical samples; Genetic characterisation (sequencing) of isolates or microbial populations in foods or in food and healthcare establishments; Studies on the shelf life of food products; Risk assessment of pathogenic microorganisms in different environments; Characterisation of microbial contamination in food or healthcare establishments.
