María de Cortes Sánchez Mata


PhD in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She is a Professor, in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science (Bromatology Teaching Unit) of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her lines of research have focused on the study of the quality and safety of food, and in particular of plant products, with special emphasis on the development of analytical methods for the assessment of the nutritional value, antinutrients and bioactive compounds in food, as well as the influence of technological conservation and transformation processes on its composition, with the aim of enhancing the benefits and minimising health risks.

The results of this research have been disseminated to the scientific community through more than 60 articles published in scientific journals of international prestige; 1 book, 15 book chapters and monographs, as well as in more than 90 communications at both national and international congresses. She has conducted scientific collaborations with Spanish and foreign universities and research centres, as well as various activities to transfer scientific knowledge.