News and updates/News/2022/Three reports approved by the AESAN Scientific Committee have been published in English

Publicados en inglés tres informes aprobados por el Comité Científico de la AESAN Three reports approved by the AESAN Scientific Committee have been published in English


Post: Agencia Española Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición

Date: 21 junio 2022

Section: Seguridad Alimentaria

Se han publicado en inglés tres informes aprobados por el Comité Científico de la AESAN y una colaboración externa.

Three reports adopted by the AESAN Scientific Committee have been published in English. These reports have been translated from the original published in Spanish.

The Scientific Committee has issued the following reports:

  • Report on the Guide of the National Association of Board Manufacturers (ANFTA) to verify the suitability of MDF boards intended for the manufacture of containers for fresh fruits and vegetables that are not peeled or cut
  • Report on the safe use of an aqueous solution of Sodium lauryl ether sulphate as processing aid for washing apples, peaches, bananas, tomatoes, peppers and citrus fruits in processing plants
  • Report on the conservation conditions of halved fruits in retail establishments

These reports can be downloaded in English from the following link

A contribution on the EFSA’s European Food Risk Assessment (EU-FORA) Fellowship Programme has also been published.

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